Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home Maintenance Schedule

Regular maintenance and inspection of your home is the best way to protect your investment. Whether you do it all yourself or hire a handy-man it is important to get into the habit of looking after the little things while they remain little. If you're ever in doubt after your own review then you can consult an expert for further advice or a professional eye on the problem.

Although most maintenance can be seasonal in nature, there are some things you should do frequently through the year such as:

  • Make sure air vents indoors and outdoors (intake, exhaust and forced air) are not blocked by snow or debris.
  • Check and clean range hood filters on a monthly basis.
  • Test ground fault circuit interrupters monthly by pushing the test button, which should then cause the reset button to pop-up.
  • If there are young children in the house, make sure electrical outlets are equipped with safety plugs.
  • Regularly check the house for safety hazards such as a loose handrail, lifting or buckling carpet etc.
Contact RMA-Spencer Group Mortgages for a free copy of a handy Home Maintenance Schedule. Check back here for seasonal updates as we progress through the year. "Winter" update coming up approximately December 20,2008,

1 comment:

indianafrosty said...

I have a web site that may be of interest to you. The site, ( provides customers with a personalized monthly to do list for the items they own. Subscribers receive a questionnaire with over 400 items. They check the items that apply and we send them their to do list for only those items each month. Individual activities’ frequencies range anywhere from monthly to once every 25 years. Besides the things you might expect like your home, yard, and auto, I’ve included health, finances, and more. My blog ( offers a single to do each day to keep you from getting too far behind. If you have a chance to look at it I’d appreciate any comments you might have. And if you’d like to put a link on your site, I’d greatly appreciate it.